Yay! Thing 5! Time for a badge!!
Ok. Back to Notetaking.
For this Thing, I started with Remember the Milk. A) I kept forgetting to use it. B) It felt like I was seeing a layer of code every time I looked at the notes I created while testing out the app. I felt it was too difficult to use effectively right away and was not intuitive, so I moved on to Springpad.
To be honest, I really like using the Notes native app for iDevices. I know it is not fancy and there are no folders, but I normally use a note feature for a shopping list or something I think of on the fly, a book I hear about on the radio, funny things the kids in my life say, etc. I have even used it to "write down" ideas for my practicum as I think of them. I might even be more apt to use Quickoffice for longer notes (another "Thing").
Back to Springpad: I have not yet fully committed to this app. It feels a lot like Pinterest to me and I have already invested in that. It also seems to have some of the same features as Flipboard (presentation) and I pretty much abandoned that app. This app was not "different enough" for me to get really excited about learning it and either moving notes or creating all my new notes within the app. Where I think this app has real potential is with group projects, ideally work projects. I currently doing a practicum where the youth librarian and I are creating STEAM kits and programming. If I had known about this app BEFORE we started in January, I would have suggested we use this instead of Google Docs and Pinterset for collaboration. It is hard to know when your counterpart has read everything you add to a document beyond looking at a revision/view date on the document. I think Springpad provides a visual format to easily find things and probably is a great app. I will not give up on this app; but I am just not ready to invest myself in it until I have a purpose to dig in and really use it.
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