Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thing 14

I was prepared to really NOT like any part of Thing 14.  I use the video feature of the camera on my Touch and phone all the time.  I was not ready to learn OR like a video app.

However - I tried Viddy for Thing 14.  I was very surprised that I LIKED Viddy and think it has some potential applications.

What I liked - I liked the 30 second time limit.  I think this would be really useful for creating mini book trailers for new items (or favorite items, or themed items...).  I think this would be really useful to "show" what is happening in the library is a SHORT format that is not burdensome (or boring) for users, stakeholders, parents or potential users to watch.  The 30 second time limit also cuts down on the storage for the device used for the video.  The filtering was a nice touch as well - but Instagram already DOES a short video with filtering (I believe it filters...).

I think it has great potential in a school library for the same reasons as the public library stated above.  The biggest issue with Viddy is that you need a username and password to use it.  This may be a barrier or a nuisance in a school setting.

The sharing feature was "meh" for me - I do not normally share video content on any of the platforms available through Viddy.  If I was using this for promotional purposes for my job, I WOULD like the direct linkage to those social media sites.  My only concern would be how to share the content within the library website or space if a library wanted all their social media leading back to their website.

Viddy is a "keep, wait, and see" app.  I'm going to test it out on my niece and nephew this summer and see what kind of reception it receives.  For me?  I'll stick with the plain camera video feature for now.  I have enough trouble keeping tract of my digital media (cameras, Touch, phone, Instagram, etc) without adding another app to the mix.

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